Start of day - End of night Procedure
Start of the day Checklist
FYI: In order to communicate with the Andromeda server during the night, your SERVER machine should be NEVER be turned off
1. If the Server’s monitor has been turned off, turn it on now.
2. Turn on all of your other PCs/Monitors and make sure each loads up and progresses to the Andromeda login prompt.
3. If you have a designated driver dispatch screen, login to Andromeda then go to the section.
4. Make sure that the driver screen shows MAIN mode in the top right (not VIEW mode) this means it is set as the dedicated dispatch screen.
If the driver station shows as VIEW log out of Andromeda on all PCs and then log back in and select dispatch again on the driver dispatch screen.
5. If you use the timekeeping function and your staff clock in when their shift begins, you can skip this section.
However if not:
On your server machine. Login to the system and CLOCK IN any staff that are working on this shift. You do this by going to the dispatcher screen then selecting TimeKeeping.
6. Now your system is on and the staff are clocked in, you need to put some money into the cash drawer. Once the cash is physically in the drawer, you need to tell the system how much it has to enable you to successfully calculate your end of day.
This will bring up the following dialog:
It is not necessary to add your float by value. If you know the total amount you can just add it into one of the fields. But this gives you the option to count each note/coin value and add it as you go to ensure your starting cash is correct.
7. To award your drivers with a float, go back to the Dispatcher screen then select Till Functions.
Highlight the drivers name you wish to award a float to (Note the driver must be clocked in), then press and enter the amount you are giving the driver.
Your System is now set up and ready to go.
It is good practice to put through a TEST ORDER to make sure that the printers are working correctly.
It is important to check that everything is working as soon as you get to the shop, it is much better to fix problems in the morning rather than waiting until 7pm at night when you are busy!
End of the night Checklist
You should complete the end of night process on the SERVER PC.
1. Make sure that all of the days orders have been cashed off as any orders that are left on the system over night will be automatically cancelled and flagged as a system cancellation. This will impact your reports.
2. Collect the floats from all of your drivers, using the collect float button.
then then
3. If you have not done so throughout the day, Enter any/all Paid Outs into the system to ensure the cash will balance.
then then
Enter the value of the Pay Out and the reason then save. Eg: Petrol - £10, Milk - £2.50
4. Check that all staff are clocked out. If your staff do not clock out themselves you will need to do it as you clocked them in. To do this go back into the Clock Out all staff in Timekeeping section of the Dispatch screen.
5. In order to ensure you have the correct cash from your days sales you must first remove the float you began the day with. Count out and put aside the money you started the day with. Note: As you will be putting this back into the till tomorrow, it is useful to count put this aside as change.
Count the remaining cash, card slips for banking. It is important to get these totals correct, as once entered into the system they cannot be changed.
Your days sales, less your starting float, less any paid outs, less your card sales is the amount of cash you should be banking.
Go to
Enter in the deposits in the “User” field of the form. This should be divided out into the correct pay types.
If you have DataCash enabled, the system will automatically fill in the credit card deposits and you will not need to change these.
Once the card payments have been added the remaining should be banked as cash. The system will advise if the till is up or down. If it doesn't match then you will need to confirm the numbers you have entered are correct and payments have not been logged as card or cash wrongly. This can be easily checked by comparing your PDQ sales with the End of Night report from your PDQ machine.
6. From the end of night screen, click on the button and confirm the hours worked for each employee.
7. You can then view using this button. This will give you a summary of the day’s figures.
8. Shutdown all the client computers by clicking the button.
You may need to turn them off at the power switch if you receive a message reading, ‘It is now safe to turn off the PC.
Always remember to leave the SERVER switched on so it can communicate with the main Andromeda Server and perform the overnight backups!